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Overview about UHF Tag Locking, Killing and Password handling
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ISO-18000-63 or EPC Class-1 Gen-2 compliant UHF transponders provide the possibility to secure the contents within the tag memory via tag locking. Also to disable tag after its intended usage, this could be done via tag killing. Tag locking or killing requires the usage of passwords that resides within the Reserved Memory bank (Bank 00).
Table of memory access possibility based on locking state
With the matching access password used in the RFU6xx, the user is allowed to perform actions on the memory content depending on the current locking state of the memory . The table below provides an overview of the possibilities:
Locking/unlocking a tag using SOPAS-ET
Read one transponder from Quickstart then with the Transponder Access. In the Tag Access page, the password management and tag locking options are initially hidden at the top.
Step 1: Set Tag access password (8 Hex characters) within Tag Access page
Step 2: Set matching Device access password on Transponder Processing page (optional: accessible via link button)
Step 3: Execute locking action on the respective memory banks and/or passwords in Tag Access page (optional: accessible via link button)
The Tag access password should be protected from unauthorized reading by temporary/permanently locked.
Locking/unlocking a tag using SOPAS commands
Step 1: Set transponder access password (8 Hex characters) using write command sMN TAextWriteTagData 1+28 3000111122223333444455556666022328 12345678 1
Step 2: Set matching device access password using command sMN TAusePasswd 1 12345678
Step 3: Lock memory banks
The following table describes the parameter for the locking actions.
Example: Lock UII, tag access password and tag kill password permanently sMN TAextLockTagData 1+28 3000111122223333444455556666325 FC3F01
Lock user memory temporary sMN TAextLockTagData 1 +28 3000111122223333444455556666323 8021
Killing a tag using SOPAS-ET
Read one transponder from Quickstart then with the Transponder Access. In the Tag Access page, the password management and tag locking options are initially hidden at the top.
Step 1: Set Tag kill password (8 Hex characters) within Tag Access page
Step 2: Set matching Device kill password on Transponder Processing page (optional: accessible via link button)
Step 3: Execute kill action in Tag Access page (optional: accessible via link button)
The access password for tag and device should be matching to write the kill password. Kill action only possible with a non-zero tag kill password. Also, if a tag kill password is set, it should be protected from unauthorized reading by temporary/permanently locked.
Killing a tag using SOPAS commands
The principle of the kill tag function is equal as the locking.
Example with kill password "87654321"
Step 1: Set the transponder kill password sMN TAextWriteTagData 1+28 3000111122223333444455556666002 328 876543211
Step 2: Set matching device kill password using command sMN TAusePasswd 087654321
Step 3: Kill tag sMN TAkillTagData 1+28 3000111122223333444455556666321
Keywords: Tag Locking, Tag Killing, Tag access password, Tag kill password, kill, lock, transponder, UHF, RFU, RFU6, RFU6xx