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PLB Official Release Page

Below you can find the latest software releases for PLB, from newest to oldest. The download requires you to authenticate via SICK-ID. If you require a version not present here, please contact your local SSU for assistance or generate a support request.



PLB 7.8



The PLB 7.8 release contains:

  • Updated Ensenso SDK to version 4.0.1502
    The latest Ensenso SDK introduces support for white balancing on color cameras, enhancing color accuracy and consistency. Additionally, you can now capture separate texture images to improve the quality of intensity data by enabling the feature "Capture Texture". For a detailed list of updates, visit the full changelog on Ensenso's website: Changelog — Ensenso SDK 4.0.1502 documentation 
  • Configure bandwidth limit based on NIC speed for Ensenso cameras
    The bandwidth limit parameter in Ensenso cameras is set based on the network adapter speed. This will improve the image capture time for the X36 camera. 
  • Updated Zivid SDK to version 2.13.1
    See full changelog on Zivid's website: SDK Changelog — ZIVID KNOWLEDGE BASE documentation
  • Improved sphere localization in hand-eye alignment
    Both improved localization of spheres and reduced number of false detections in hand-eye alignment. Sphere alignment is typically used by the Visionary cameras. 
  • Extended result sorting options with the possibility to sort on lowest Z
    Added possibility to set result sort order to Lowest Z value, and to sort layers bottom up instead of top down. 
  • PLB stays in mode RUN after camera reconnect.
    When connection with camera is lost PLB will change mode from Run to Configure. When camera reconnects the mode is changed back to Run.
  • Increased range for allowed deviation in hand eye alignment
    Passing alignment with the Visionary cameras often required a higher maximum deviation than was allowed in previous versions. 
  • UI improvements
  • Minor improvements and corrections

PLB 7.7 SR1



The PLB 7.7 SR1 release contains:

  • Possibility to set exposure time in Visionary S camera using a robot command.
    To set the exposure time the robot command SetCameraParameter can be used, e.g. SetCameraParameter,2,/EXPOSURE_TIME_RGB,1000; The camera alias is 2 and the exposure time is 1000us.
  • Windows 11 support. 
  • Empty bin test prioritized before localization. This means the localization command will report empty bin instead of trying to localize parts in an empty bin. 

PLB 7.7



The PLB 7.7 release contains:

• Support for checkerboard alignment target. This is a simplified alignment procedure using a flat checkerboard target to do the hand-eye alignment.

• Improved collision check between gripper and camera measurements. The collision check is faster than before and more reliable.

• Upgraded to newer version of Java JRE 1.8.

• Minor improvements and corrections

PLB 7.6



The PLB 7.6 release contains:

• Full support for the Ensenso C57 camera, i.e. PLB52x.

• Updated Ensenso SDK to version 3.6.1621.

• Updated Zivid SDK to version 2.12.0.

• Updated (integrated) Visionary SDK.

• Workspace backup/restore.

• General improvements of Surface algorithm.

• General improvements of Edge algorithm.

PLB 7.4



The PLB 7.4 release contains:

• A DefinePickPose command, to create or update a pick pose from the robot.

• Support for sorting results in lanes within layers.

• Ensenso SDK stepped to version 3.5.1394.

• Zivid SDK stepped to version 2.10.1.

• Minor improvements and corrections.

PLB 7.3 SR1



The PLB 7.3 SR1 release contains:

• Zivid SDK 2.10.1.

PLB 7.3



The PLB 7.3 release contains:

• An option to define a bin/search volume relative the camera position. This function is intended for robot mounted camera applications.

• Zivid SDK 2.10, with support for separate 2D image settings and the new Zivid 2+ cameras.

• Minor improvements and corrections.

PLB 7.2



The PLB 7.2 release contains:

• Support for Gantry robot (with 3-4 axes) mounted camera.

• Camera robustness and error handling improvements.

• Zivid SDK 2.9, with reduced noise on reflective materials.

• Ensenso SDK 3.5, with added support for the N36 camera.

• A new version of the Surface algorithm, with general improvements and corrections.

• The new ExportSupportData command, can be used to export a complete support zip file.

plb software, plb 7, plb software releases, robot guidance
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