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LaserView Data recorder

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LaserView is a visualization tool that allows to record measurements and reproduce it for diagnostic purposes
With the idc.file record all scan data Information are going to be available, even if they are not activated during the record.
Except the live camera Information. This should be activated in advance as described below.


LaserView Live Camera

 To enable this function, please install camera first as described in LaserView Live Camera
Please activate "Video View" button or follow the menu "View" > "Enable Video View"

LaserView scan data


To record the scan data in an *.idc file.

  • Please open the dialog box RECORD and select a file path and a file name.
  • After confirmation, recording starts.
  • Clicking the record button again stops the the recording.



In replay mode, recorded data can be played.
Activate or deactivate the scan data view by clicking the 3D button on the tool bar.
In the menu FILE OPEN, recorded data can be selected and opened 
In replay mode, the player bar is active and allows for controlling the playing process.


Player bar

With the following Buttons, scan data can be displayed or recorded


Playback Speed

In the list field for the replay speed, the current replay speed for the scan data display can be selected and displayed.


LaserView, Live Camera, Dara recorder, Scan data, LD-MRS