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Device states and Display messages

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The state values are available in Sopas, also via telegram and in OPC too.


Device State

0 = Busy
1 = Ready
2 = Error

Measurement State

Bootup of device: 1-5:

1 = initialisation
2 = configuration
3 = lower case / idle mode
4 = rotating
5 = in preparation
6 = ready
7 = measurement active
8 = Error

Contamination Measurement

0 = No Contamination
1 = Warning
2 = Contaminated

LED Behaviour

Stop measurement or Standby mode:

There is a situation where:
for LMS1xx/5xx:  Stop is on and the lowest bar of the seven segment display is blinking
for TiM3xx/5xx:   Only the red LED is blinking

Scanner was in Busy state, no measurement, with the red STOP steady ON
and the lowest segment blinking on the 7-segment display.

After a power off/on the device is running "normally" again.

If in this case, the scanner is reachable by Sopas, the motor is running but the sensor is not delivering measurement data or the same measurement telegram with the same content again and again.
This is not an error at the device. This behaviour on the LED's tells, that someone is logged in at the device. While somebody is logged in, the device does not send any measurement data.
 Because if there was a log in, normally, parameters were changed at the device, and during parameter change, it is not possible to deliver measurement data, because the device is in "Busy" mode then. For example if the scan frequency is changed, the scanner is not measuring and also in that case, the laser has to be OFF, because during the setting of the scan frequency, it may happen, that until the speed is adjusted, the  scan frequency is too high or too low for a short time, and that may cause an infringement of of the laser class for a short time until the frequency is set, so it has to be prevented.
The LMDscandata telegram works anyway in that time and the scanner may send scandata also, but that will be always the same telegram, it is the last valid telegram that was created before the login and it is still in the buffer.
A log out or a reboot of the device should help here to get the device running normal.

LED and front-interface behaviour Security

Different Security Modes:
Armed: display off
Unarmed: (Disarmed) shows alarm memory
Practice Test: turns display on, shows actual status of the device, behaves like Standard LMS

Armed mode:

Disarmed/Practice Test Mode:

In this mode the full front panel (LEDs, 7-Seg.-display and (USB- ) interface) will be inactive. Field infringements will not be visible on the LEDs. If a field infringement exists the alert output switches on and an internal alarm memory will be set. The alarm memory will be visible in the mode "Disarmed".
In this mode only the "Q1" LED will be set if during mode "Armed" the alarm memory was set. If a field infringement exists in this operation mode the alert output switches but the LEDs are inactive.

The Front panel is active and field infringement will be displayed on the "Q1" LED and alarm output switches. The 2nd input has a higher priority than 1st input. So if "Practice check" is active the "Armed/Disarmed" mode is disregarded.



display, 7-segment, practice check, armed, disarmed, status, opc