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Glass panel detection with FlexChain

Detection of flat glass panels for avoiding collision
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FlexChain_Glass-Panel-Detection(LQ) (1) (3).mp4

Table of Contents

Table of Contents




Application solution

Our solution

Summary advantages FlexChain

Further information



In Electronic & Solar industry glass panels are used as a protection layer for Monitors, Screens, Displays like Smart-TVs. The panels are very thin but can have a width of more than 1m. During production they are stored on a shelf. In each shelf compartment one panel is stored. In total several dozen panels are stored on one shelf.

Sketch of an application example

The task of the application is to detect at which position a plate is stored and where it is not in order to avoid a collision during automatic robot filling.


The panels are very thin (below 1mm) with a big width. They have a reflective but transparent surface. Many panels are stored in one shelf. This creates following challenges:
  1. Very transparent objects to detect
  2. Reflections leads to cross talk because of low spacing below 50mm between the shelf compartments
  3. Being only 1mm thick makes a correct detection from the side difficult
  4. Many single positions for detection needed. Installation and wiring needs to be kept to an affordable level.
  5. Every customer has individual panel spacing.

Application Solution

Because of the challenges many standard technologies have some disadvantages. Here an overview:
Photoelectric sensors: cabling effort is too high for so many sensors. Whether the sensor alignment is very sensitive or cross talk is very likely.
Standard automation lightgrids: Advantage of an automation lightgrid is that they are easy to install and cross talk cannot occur thanks to the sequential beam-to-beam triggering. But the individual compartment spacing of each customer would lead to a customized beam spacing for every customer. This would be difficult to realize in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Our solution

FlexChain: FlexChain offers the combination of two worlds:
It offers the sequential beam-to-beam triggering like an automation lightgrid and with that the risk of cross task is eliminated. For a reliable detection the connected through-beam sensors are misaligned. This leads to a reflection on the panel surfaces and with that a sufficient signal drop. Furthermore, it offers the same flexible beam spacing as installing single photoelectric sensors without leading to too much cabling effort thanks to the cascaded connection principle. Please see below a sketch with an installation example including the functional principle.

Figure 2 Installation example FlexChain including the functional principle of the sequential triggering from beam to beam

Summary advantages FlexChain

  • Reliable glass panel detection. No cross talk possible, thanks to lightgrid technology (sequential triggering of every beam)
  • Individual beam spacing compared to lightgrids
  • Easy sensor alignment thanks to big open angle
  • Easy wiring concept thanks to bus topology
  • Status of every beam
  • Detailed diagnostic information of every sensor

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Further information

Electronic & Solar; IO-Link; Transparent Object Detection; Semiconductor; RS-485; IO-Link; CANopen