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How to use the Wireshark dissector for measurement data and IMU data (Compact format)?

With this Wireshark dissector (Plugin) for the Compact data format, it is easy to understand the content of the streaming data (compact format only).
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Table of Contents

How to install the plugin?

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Download, install and open Wireshark
  3. Go to Help --> About Wireshark
  • Go to Folders --> Personal Lua Plugins
  • Copy & paste the downloaded Plugin to the given folder
  • Restart Wireshark

How to use the plugin?

  1. Set up your device to output Compact format via UDP.
  • Make sure the ethernet settings of your PC are correct (network needs to be "private")

or with command line tool: 'get-NetConnectionProfile'

change ethernet connection
'Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex 18 -NetworkCategory Private'

  • Open Wireshark
  • Open the corresponding ethernet interface by double-clicking
  • Use the display filter "compact" and press enter.
  • Check if the protocol column shows COMPACT
  • Select one packet
  • Go through the structure of the Compact format and find a value (e.g. distance value)
  • To disable the plugin use Analyze --> Enable Protocols --> uncheck
  • Keywords: