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Ambient light immunity of PowerProx Sensor WTT12

The data sheet values were all determined for an ambient light level of 5Klx. This means that the data sheet values are adhered to up to 5Klx and the distance value is output with the accuracy specified in the data sheet. The switching outputs still work up to 50Klx for the Distance variant and up to 80Klx for Speed and Precision.
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WTT12 PowerProx

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The data sheet values were all determined for an ambient light level of 5 Klx (Kilolux).
This means that the data sheet values are adhered to up to 5 Klx and the distance value is output with the accuracy specified in the data sheet.
The switching outputs still work up to 50 Klx for the Distance variant and up to 80 Klx for Speed and Precision.

ambient light, ambient light immunity, ambient light level, environment light immunity