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CDF600-EtherCAT Technical Information

CDF600-EtherCAT product Information
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CDF600 EtherCAT

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This article contains basic information about the CDF600 EtherCAT with regard to the operating modes, the connection principle and other technical information. In addition, you will find the ESI files linked at the end of the article as well as links to the function blocks for TwinCAT2 / TwinCAT3.
Function blocks for TwinCAT2 and TwinCAT3 can be found here:
CDF600-0300 Downloads

For firmware version see:
Release Notes CDF600-0300
ESI-Files (attached)

Technical Information PDF (attached)

Overview Operating Modes CDF600-0300 EtherCAT:

The CDF600-0300 EtherCAT has two different operation modes in which the CDF can be operated. The Proxy Mode and the Gateway Mode. However, it should be noted that the proxy mode can only be used with certain sensors. While the Gateway Mode can be used with all 4Dpro sensors with serial Aux. The operation mode can be set on the CDF600-0300 EtherCAT via the first rotary switch on the device.
Here is an overview of the possible switch settings. It must be considered that a mode set via the rotary switch is only adopted with a power-up.

Connection principle:


Proxy Mode: (can be only used with CLV61x, 62x-65x and Lector620) 


The fieldbus module works as a proxy. For the fieldbus master is only the scanner visible.


An ESI file of the sensor must be used to be able to integrate the sensor in the PLC as a device. So currently available for CLV61x (V2.00 or higher), CLV62x-65x (V5.10 or higher) and Lector620 (only V2.10), the ESI files are linked below.


- The Serial Aux of the CDF (M8 plug) can be used to configure and monitor the ID sensor via SOPAS.

- The CDF is "integrated" in the device as "EtherCat Proxy CDF600" in Sopas with selectable output format.
- Handshake and No Handshake can be used. (when using Function block use all times with Handshake)
- You can define output format 1 or 2 to the "EtherCat Proxy CDF600". The output format can be free defined. Default output format is as well ok. 


- In Proxy Mode, Confirmed Messaging In / Confirmed Messaging Out and Control Bits In / Control Bits Out (logical digital inputs/outputs from/to the ID sensor and ExtIn1) are available.


- The PLC can see the heartbeat Bit at bit D2 of the Confirmed Messaging In (Indicates only whether CDF600 is still accessible.)

Trigger options:

a) Triggering via hardware signal at input "EXT. IN1" (configure ID-sensor to "EXT.IN1")
b) Triggering by (SOPAS) command (configure ID sensor to "Sopas command") E.g. use Sick Function Block for it.
c) Triggering by trigger bit in the Ctrl bits (configure ID sensor to "Fieldbus Input")

Parameter Cloning:

Cloning parameter integrated in CDF600 (similar as parameter CMC600)


Gateway mode (limited function):  (can be used at all 4Dpro sensors with serial Aux) 

Alternatively, the fieldbus module can operate as a gateway (protocol converter) of a device that is only gateway-capable, if this device also outputs data and has a serial data interface (RS-232). Only the fieldbus module is then visible to the fieldbus master.


ESI-File of CDF600 Gateway Mode must be used to be able to integrate the CDF in the PLC. The ESI file is linked below.


- The CDF is just acting as a converter from serial Aux of the sensor to Fieldbus.
- The CDF is a is a separate device and not "integrated" in the sensor in SOPAS ET.
- You must use Serial Aux set to output format 1, or 2. The output format must be STX/ETX framed. Default output format 1 is ok.

- The Serial Aux of the CDF (M8 plug) can be NOT used with Sopas. Here only the results from the CLV are send out.
- Any sensor can be connected with serial data frame at Pins 2 and 3 (Aux) with 57600 Baud, 8, n, 1 with STX/ETX framing.


- In Gateway Mode, only Confirmed Messaging In / Confirmed Messaging Out is available. The Control Bits are not available.

- Only Handshake Mode can be used. (Fits to Sick Function block)
- The PLC can see the heartbeat Bit at bit D2 (Indicates only whether CDF600 is still accessible.)
- The PLC can see the input "Ext.In2" at bit D1. (first input byte)
- The PLC can see the input "Ext.In1" at bit D0. (first input byte)
- EOE must be disabled. It is not supported in gateway mode.

Trigger options:

Only Triggering by command (configure ID sensor to "Sopas command") is possible. E.g. use Sick Function Block for it.

Parameter Cloning:

There is no parameter cloning function for the connected ID sensor

Additional Information:

Electrical note:

Please take care that the CDF600-0300 EtherCat can supply at the device plug max 0.8 A.

Serial Aux information:

You may use this RS232 serial aux port at the M8 plug under the rubber to monitor some data, or do a firmware update of the CDF itself.
For CDF600-0300 serial RS232 Aux to your PC there are two cable possibilities:
a) M8 to D-Sub, 9 pole cable SICK PN 6021195  ==> Just a RS232 cable  ==> You need a COM port at your PC
b) M8 to USB cable SICK PN 6034574  ==> This has on the PC side a RS232 to USB converter integrated. ==> You just need a USB Port at your PC. This is today the better choice.

When open a terminal at this Aux port, you should be able to send the command to query the CDF.
E.G. use See-It:
Sample command:     


EtherCAT, CDF600 EtherCAT, ESI