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If you can't connect your ICR to ImageFTP and receive the images, please check the following points:
1. Check if the IP-Adress of your PC / Notebook is in the range of the ICR
ICR 890-4
Your PC
2. Check if your network is set to private
Use Powershell to get your network information by using the command:
If your network is on public use the below command to set it to private:
Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name "Nicht identifiziertes Netzwerk" -NetworkCategory Private
3. Check if the server-ip and port is the same in the ICR and ImageFTP
You can may use port 2021 instead of port 21
4. Check if the user exists in the ImageFTP
User settings in ICR
User in ImageFTP
5. Check the Image Source and Image Assignment in the ICR
Ensure that the Image Source matches to the image below.
Ensure that the settings in the Image Assignment matches to the image below.
Important for commissioning