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How to read service data of DT35 with an Omron PLC and a SIG200 by using Sysmac Studio

How to read service data of DT35 with an Omron PLC and a SIG200 by using Sysmac Studio
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SIG200 EtherNet/IP

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To readout the service data in a nice way, you must create the function block for your DT35 with our function block factory (

With our function block you have the service data in a way where you can use the values direct, without split the bits and bytes.

A more detailed technical information of the needed function block settings you can find in the .pdf-file in the documentations folder of the downloaded function block.

The first step is to add the library to the project

This has to be done via Project -> Library -> Show References.

Klick the button + to browser for the downloaded function block.



You have to include the IOLBase lib which you find in the folder

\Base Lib\IO-Link Base Sysmac Studio V1 V1_4_0

And the library SICK_IOL_DT35 which you find in the folder


Klick on the button OK to finish this process.



Now you will find the function blocks in your toolbox on the right side.



Now we have to define some global variables which we need for the function block



Next step is to include the function block into the program.

We have to give the functionblock a name in the space “Enter Function Block”.
in this case we call it FB_DT35_SD (SD for servicedata).


The next is you have to enter variables to the inputs and outputs.

MasterType is the enum for SIG200 \\IOLBase\E_IOL_MasterType_EIP#eSIG200

RoutePath is the IP address from the SIG200 in this case ‘02\’

PortNumber is 1

TimeOut is 5 seconds (t#5s)

Req you need an input in front with the variable req_SD, by switching this on, you request the selected service data

RW is the variable rw_SD, if this variable is false, you read out service data, if it is true you write data

DeviceData is the variable Service_Data, this variable is the structure with all service data’s for selection and with the values

Done you need an output behind with the variable Done, if the request is correct and without fault, you get a true

Busy is the variable busy, during the service data request this variable is true

Error and ErrorCode you get if there went something wrong during the service data request.



If we would read out now for example the vendor name, we have to select the vendor name in the selection section Service_Data.Selection.Vendorname

Now start the request by set the req variable to true.


You will get the Vendor name in the variable Service_Data.Data.Vendorname

dt35, service data, sig200, function block, omron, sysmac studio, EIP, Ethernet/IP