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Password Change using Telegram Listing

Tutorial of how to change the device password using Telegram Listing and webserver Hash-Calculator
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After production our LiDAR scanner are shipped with user level "service" enabled with it's default password. A customer can now enable different user level and set customer specific password. For this process, the password per user level can be changed using either the webserver or the telegram listing, where the last option is described within this article. 


To not provide the password information via CoLa in plain text, each transmitted password is hashed before transmission. The specific Hash of a new password can be computed using the Hash-Calculator, which is part of the Cybersecurity

 tab of the Diagnostic section on the device webserver.



Calculate a new password hash

Open the "Hash computer" on your device webserver



  1. Enter the new password you want to use in the "Password" field
  2. The new password will appear in the "Calculated hash value" field
  3. Use the "Copy value" button to copy the value
  4. When using the past command of your computer, the hash value will be pasted 

Please note that the hash is a hex value with leading "0x" prefix. This prefix must be removed before using the hash in telegrams.


Change the password using telegram listing

For changing and verifying the password the following commands can be used. For complete syntax and use, please check the device specific telegram listing as part of the device operation instruction.


sMN SetAccessMode


Login with a desired user level and a related password.


sMN CheckPassword


Verify a password that belongs to a specific user level.


sMN SetPassword


Set a new password to a specific user level (password hash required).



Example on how to change the password:


In this example the default password of user level "Service" should be changed from "servicelevel" (hash 0x81BE23AA ) to "NewPassword123" (hash 0xE8ED56E9).


  1. Calculate the hash value for a new password using the webserver as described above. 
    Here password "NewPassword123" results in hash "0xE8ED56E9".

  2. Open a terminal program and connect to the LiDAR.
    Here default IP is used.

  3. Login with user level service and current active password using the "sMN SetAccessMode" telegram .
    Here the hash for the default password "servicelevel" is use which is "0x81BE23AA ", value for user level  service is 3

     sMN SetAccessMode 3 81BE23AA

  4. Set the new password using the "sMN SetPassword" telegram and the recently calculated hash value of the new password. 
    Here the hash for the new password "NewPassword123" is computed to  "0xE8ED56E9", value for user level  service is 3

    sMN SetPassword 3 E8ED56E9

  5. You can now check if the old password is still valid by using the "sMN CheckPassword" telegram for user level service.
    Here the old password had the hash 0x81BE23AA. This request should respond with a 0 which equals a invalid password.

    sMN CheckPassword 3 81BE23AA

  6. You can now check if the new password is still valid by using the "sMN CheckPassword" telegram for user level service with new password.
    Here the new password has the hash 0xE8ED56E9. This request should respond with a 1 which equals a valid password.

    sMN CheckPassword 3 E8ED56E9

  7.  You can now safe the parameters permanently using the sMN mEEwriteall telegram.

     sMN mEEwriteall

  8. From now on you can login with the new password for the specified user level.

    sMN SetAccessMode 3 E8ED56E9
Password, Hash, Login, LiDAR, LRS4, LRS4000, picoScan, multiScan