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PLOC2D URCap 2.3 and URCap 3.0

This tutorial goes through how to set up a complete robot picking application for the PLOC2D URCap for a static mounted camera.
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PLOC2D URCap 2.3 and 3.0.0+47 – Setup and configuration

IMPORTANT NOTE: The PLOC2D URCap v2.3 requires Polyscope 3.15.0/5.10.0 or later. Furthermore, this version is not compatible with UR programs created with previous versions of the URcap.



The connection to the PLOC2D device has to be set up in the system tab. By pressing the Find PLOC2D Devices button, URCap will scan the network for any connected PLOC2D devices. All found devices will be listed in the dropdown menu.


In case a device is not found on the network, the IP of the camera can be manually entered in the IP text field. The URCap will then use the entered IP.


On the left bottom a PLOC2D camera device connection image is shown. The image will have a green check mark when a connection has been establish to the robot. If no connection is made a red cross will be shown.


Enable "Pick all" to return all results before a new locate.


Enable "Relaxed pick rotation" to adjust the pick pose of the located part, to make it easier for the robot to pick. The result is adjusted so the pick pose x-axis is directed towards the robot base.

"Number of localization trials" is the number of localization trials before the program exits the PLOC2D node and continues.

The PLOC2D URCap allows for multiple unique PLOC2D program nodes and thereby the user can have multiple PLOC2D camera devices connected to the same robot using the PLOC2D URCap.



The purpose of the hand-alignment step is to align the camera and robot coordinate systems using an alignment target. The purpose of the robot integration is to provide a correction to the work frame so that the robot always can use the same pick position within the work frame. The resulting frame that is communicated to the robot is a correction of the work frame position that allows the pick position to remain constant.


How to align in PLOC2D web interface


1. In the user interface, go to the Alignment tab

2. Place the alignment target on the target surface in the same plane as the parts to be located.

3. Position the alignment target to allow the robot to measure the work frame as defined by the coordinate system on the target.

4. Click Align to obtain an image and align the sensor coordinate system with the alignment target.

5. If alignment fails, adjust the exposure settings to obtain a clear image. Note that changes to the exposure settings parameters are applied system-wide.

6. Repeat steps 4 - 5 until an "Alignment successful" message is displayed in the user interface.

7. Define the robot work frame coordinates by jogging the robot to the alignment target points indicated by the arrows.







When the alignment is ready, an image of the alignment target is displayed in the image window. The displayed image is rectified, as it is projected onto the defined alignment frame. A blue circle is displayed on top, representing the position and the direction of the alignment target.



How to create a ROBOT frame PLOC2D URCap:


  1. In PLOC2D user interface, go to the Alignment tab.
  2. Press Create Robot Frame to enter the alignment wizard.
  3. Enter a robot frame name in the "Robot Frame Name" text field. This name can be anything.
  4. Move the robot tool tip to the center of the alignment target and set the position by pressing the Set Position button and press next.
  5. Move the robot tool tip along the y-axis and place it as far away as possible on the alignment target and press the Set Position to define position 2 and press next.
  6. Move the robot tool tip along the x-axis and place it as far away as possible on the alignment target and press the Set Position to define position 3.
  7. If the three points are too close to each other, a warning will be shown: Warning: The points are not sufficiently diverse. Please change the selected points. In this case go back and repeat steps 3 to 5 with new positions.
  8. Press finish to create the robot frame.
  9. The robot frame should now be available in the list of robot frames.





Job configuration

Reference position

In Job configuration the shape that the system should locate has to be defined as well as how the shape should be picked. Start by defining a shape in the PLOC2D web interface.


For each job configuration, a reference image is captured and a reference part is located. A maximum of 64 jobs can be configured.


How to teach a job in PLOC2D web interface:


  1. In the PLOC2D web user interface, go to the Job tab.
  2. Select a job in the Job list.
  3. Place the part to be located in the camera's field of view.
  4. Click Acquire to capture a reference image.
    The displayed reference image is rectified as it is projected onto the defined alignment plane.
  5. Click Brush to draw a mask that covers the part to be located.

When the system locates the part, a "Job configured" message is displayed in the user interface and the part contours are highlighted in the image window.




After the shape definition it is important NOT to move the part while defining the reference pick position.

PLOC2D URCap pick configuration


In the URCap Job tab the shapes/jobs, which the user want to locate, has to be selected. By pressing the Get image button. The shapes from the PLOC2D system will be shown in a list.


Once the job definition has been performed the pick position has to be defined.

For each pick pose (PLOC_pick), the PLOC2D URCap node will save two additional absolute positions.
They are: PLOC_prepick and PLOC_clear. Furthermore, please select the TCP you want to use in your program and then jog the robot so the joint angle of J6 is set to an adequate value above the the parts. This is needed to prevent a joint angle to exceed the limit.


PLOC2D, URCap, Robot program