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Port Class IO-Link Master and Pin 2 configuration WTT12

The article shows how to connect WTT12LC to a Siemens IO-Link Master.
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A customer would like to connect our WTT12LC to an Siemens IO-Link Master.
He said if he connects the WTT12 to the IO-Link Master the sender of the sensor is off.
The customer uses an IO-Link Master where he can connect actuators.
That means there are two Port types of IO-Link Master.


Port Class A (Type A)
This Port Class is specifically for sensors. There Pin 2 and Pin 5 is not specified. For this Pins the manufacturer defines the function. But Pin 2 is usually used with a digital channel.


Port Class B (Type B)
This Port Class is especially for actuators.
This Type provides additional supply voltage and is suitable for the connection of devices which have an increased current requirement. Here is on Pin2 and Pin 5 an additional supply voltage.




The problem in this case was/is that the default Value of Pin 2 configuration Index 121 of our WTT12LC is 16.
And this value 16 means sender off.

So the customer uses a Port Class B IO-Link Master and the default value of the WTT12 Pin 2 configuration sender is off. If there is now 24V at Pin 2 the sender is off and it is not possible to change this parameter via the PLC (function block).

The customer has now two solutions to fix this problem.
The first is: At some IO-Link master you can change between Port Class A and Port Class B via the hardware configuration in the developer environment. So he has to change to Port Class A.

The second solution is to connect the WTT12 via the SiLink Box to his PC and change with SOPAS the Pin 2 configuration.

If the customer does not need Pin2 and has no chance to change the Port Class and has no SiLink Box, he has to use a 3 wire cable eg. YF2A13-050UB1M2A13  2095995 where Pin2 is not connected.


port class, io link master, port class type A, port class type B