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System View (SV) vs Facility View (FV) vs Enterprise Analytics (EA)

Difference between SV, FV, and EV
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3 Different Views/Scopes Available!

  • There are three different views that the Analytics products support.
  • Each view allows different levels of data granularity and different scopes
    • Each is intended for a specific group of users.
  • The license that gets applied to the LA instance determines whether an install is System View or Facility View.
  • Enterprise Analytics (Enterprise View) is a completely different software that requires a different installer/license.

System View (SV)

  • Utilized when only a single scan point, system, gate, or tunnel will be connected to an instance of Analytics.
    • Collection, storage, and analysis of a single systems data.
    • Long term storage with SV's can usually be achieved with Central Architecture.
    • Performance is usually great as the RAM/Disk is dedicated to the one system.
    • Each SV deployment requires its own IPC/VM.
    • There can be many SV deployed within a single customer location (Each doesn't know about the others).
    • Defined by the Analytics license field "systems"
      • Integer value for SV license will always be 1.

Facility View (FV)

  • Utilized when more than one scan point, system, gate, or tunnel will be connected to an instance of Analytics.
    • Collection, storage, and analysis of multiple systems data. 
    • Only one IPC/VM needed per customer location (If there are between 2- 15 system, depends on throughput.  If there is high throughput or more than 15 systems, may require more IPC's).
    • Performance not as good as SV as resources are shared between systems (May be improved with Decentralized Architecture).
    • Typically, only one Analytics instance is deployed per customer location with FV set ups.
    • Defined by the Analytics license field "systems"
      • Integer value for SV license will always be greater than 1.

Enterprise View / Enterprise Analytics (EA)

  • Utilized when customers would like a centralized/global view of all their Facility Views.
    • Multi facility level performance and health monitoring.
    • Requires its own PC, a different installer than SV/FV, and its own unique license.
    • Required that the customer to have at least 2 FV's already deployed.
    • Requires EA to be purchase in addition to FV's.
Analytics, PA, BA, TA, LDA, SASA, Logistics, Logistics Analytics, Enterprise, EA, EV, Enterprise View