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IO-Link - what are input and output process data and how many bytes do they have?

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Process data are used to cyclically exchange information between the device and the IO-Link master via IO-Link.
  • Process data which are sent from the device to the controller are called process data IN.
  • Process data which are sent from the controller to the device are called process data OUT.
Depending on the device and parameterization, process data usually contains the device-specific measurement or function value (e.g. the switching points, the measured distance values, ...). Not every device has both process data IN and OUT. In most cases, measuring devices only have process data IN (information goes from the device to the controller) and actuators/signal devices have process data OUT (information goes from the controller to the device).
The size of the process data is specified by the device and ranges from 0 Byte to 32 Byte in each communication direction (process data IN or OUT).
io-link, process data, process data length, process data in, process data out