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Export raw data of vibration with MPB10 and SOPAS ET

Raw data export with MPB10 and SOPAS ET How to export the raw data of vibration in time domain from MPB10 to SOPAS ET into a.csv file
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Its might be useful to read out the raw-data of vibration in time domain from the MPB10. This video shows how to export this data with SOPAS ET into a .csv file, which can then be further processed.

Hint for manual trigger usage

Please note that if you have activated the manual trigger via Pin2 or ISDU, you need to wait for the trigger after clicking on "read raw data".

After clicking on "read raw data" the MPB waits for the trigger with this screen:

After the trigger has been initiated, the raw data is recorded according to the video.

mpb10, sopas et, vibration, export raw data, raw data of vibration, vibration with mpb10, condition monitoring