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Known Problems LMS5xx

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Digital Outputs behave different if device is powered off

There was a problem, that if device and digital outputs have a different power supply, and only the device was powered off, then the outputs became high or stay high, even if they were parametrized "acitve low".
That was a mistake, because in such a case, the outputs must become low.
To fix this problem, there was a hardware cange, implemented from serial number 1318xxxx on.
To be shure that everything is correct with the new devices after 1318xxxx, take care that the V1.38.1 Firmware is on the device.



Device looses configuration

In some cases, the Device can loose its configuration. The saved configuration gets overwritten by
the factory defaults. This is caused by an invalid read from the calib E�prom in the sensor head.
Reason for this could also be e.g. a "bad" power supply, means during the boot-up time of the LMS5xx are in the 24V some drop-ins.
This could cause this behavoir!
Perform a firmware update to minimum V1.38.  This minimizes this behavoir, so that it shouldn't happen anymore.
Nevertheless check the power supply ,too, just in this cases where a lot of LMS5xx are connected to the same power supply!





No valid MAC address in the device

In a short time in Mai 2015 (around 1.Mai) , is it possible that some LMS5xx are sent out with an incorrect MAC address.



In this case, please contact us, so that we will send you a tool to correct the MAC address into the LMS5xx.
Send us please a SOPAS -file or give us the device type and

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