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Sopas Data Recorder

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How to use the Data Recorder in Sopas. Recording measurement data of the scanner and playback of the logfile in Sopas.
Valid for Sopas 2.34 and higher.



Connect device, add device to Sopas project, login as Authorized Client.
If the sensor is offline, a recording is not possible.
Please keep in mind that the data recorder cannot record field infringements and cannot show them by replaying it.
You can just record the outputs and check if they are switching.


Record measurement data


1. Choose the data recorder in Sopas
 ⋮ -> Tools -> Data recorder

Or Data recorder button in bottom left corner of the Sopas ET main screen:

Or keyboard shortcut: Crtl+R

Recorder opens at bottom left corner.



2. Open a new recording

If you want to make a complete new recorder file, klick on the Configure Button


3. choose a parameter to record

Than a window opens where you can choose all possible values to record. (Possible Parameters described below)
There the parameter which is to record can be chosen. Easiest way to find it in the list is to type the name of the parameter or a part of it in the filter.
Than click the checkbox to choose the value.


4. Select an output file

In the same window, klick on "browse" to select a folder and a name for the new recorder file.

A window opens where you have to choose a directory to save the file and type in a name for the file

Click Save.


5. Choose a record format

In the settings window also the recording format can be chosen.

Choose the option you want.
If you choose XLS directly here, no exporting to an excel file after the recording is necessary.


6. Choose the Record mode

On the settings page, also choose the record mode:


7. finalize the setup

With the OK Button you can finalize the setup.


8. start the recording

With clicking on the "Record" Button, the recording is started until either the record time is reached or the Stop button is clicked.

Stopping the recording with the stop button.


Playback data

With Sopas 2.38 it is not possible to playback the data with an other device except the one which recorded the data.
Sopas 3 can replay the data independent from the device.
Depending on what data was recorded, the correct monitor has to be used for replaying the data.
If the parameter "ScanData"

 was recorded, use the "Scan View" to replay the data:

If the parameter "ScanDataMonitor"
 was recorded, use the "Field evaluation monitor" to replay the data:

The other way round is not possible.
Process for recorded "ScanData":
Open the "Scan View" (available up from userlevel "Authorized Client") of the device and turn on the scan line and activate the channel.

start the playback of the recorded data.

Than the data is played back continously as recorded.
It is also possible to step forward or backward in single steps.


Process Summary

- Select Tools
- Select the data recorder
- open Settings
- choose settings
- choose the Parameter to record
- choose a new file name
- choose a record mode
- start the recording
- see the number of recorded scans
- stop the recording
- open the correct monitor depending on the recorded data
- turn the scanline on if necessary
- start the replay (scanner will go offline)
- step forward/backwards in the replay


Description of record parameters

Examples of parameters to record. Easiest way to find the parameter is to type the name of it into the filter field.



Measurement data which is shown in the -Scan View Pro-. All values are given out. Telegram format is the same as for the variable "ScanDataMonitor"



Attention: if all echoes of the LMS5xx have to be recorded, then activate in the Filter option "All echoes" before starting the record function.


That are the measurement data which are shown in the -field evaluation monitor-. As the data output for the Field evaluation monitor is reduced  to 1/5th also the recorded data is reduced here. If a scan frequency of 50Hz is used, only every 10th value is given out (25Hz, every 5th).


Telegram format is the same as for the variable "ScanData"

Output State

Records the state of all outputs. Format is like the telegram "LIDoutputstate" (see Telegram Listing)

Record mode

Sampling Mode

Every x seconds, the variable is read from the sensor and saved in the log file. It doesn't matter if the variable has changed, just the actual value is recorded.


The event is registered and the value of the variable is saved any time it changes, so with every event (change of the variable) the value is saved but nothing inbetween several events.

If Events are recorded, the Record interval is not used.

Export of recorded data into a file

Use the marked button.

On the window that opens then choose the recorded data that should be exported. On the next page browse for a save folder and choose a file type.
If you want to export recorded data to a file, than export files recorded with Sopas 3 to a .XLSX file.
A XLS file will be too small and cannot be imported into an old Excel version and a CSV file will fill all values into the first column.
Only an XLSX file will put every value in a single column so that you get useful file.

maximum size of recorded files for export

Because of the memory size Sopas is able to handle (because that are all 32bit processes), the maximum size of a data file that should be exported to a CSV file must no exceed 1GB.


Data recordings with MRS/LMS1000 and SOPAS

It is also possible to record datas with the MRS/LMS1000.

The procedure is more or less the same like by the LMS1xx/LMS5xx.

Connect to the device , open the Data Recorder, choose which Telegram you want to record and save it to a file.
If you want to playback it, open the .sopas -file in the SOPAS GUI, Choose the .rec file you want to playback and open parallely the "ScanView" in the Device GUI View.

Attached a zip file, where a short sequence was recorded with a MRS1000 (V2.2.1.0). Please unzip it on your harddisc and choose the file in SOPAS.

Telegram for the measurement datas: (MRS/LMS1000)


SOPAS, Data recorder, Record measurement data