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How to read out and interpret the MPB temperature value

How to get the MPB10 temperature by using the correct data format.
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Multi Physics Box
MPB process data 32bit float to
signed 8bit bin to

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You have two possibilities to read out the current temperature of the MPB10:


1. via process data if index 17 (17 to 20 possible) is configured to value 29:


You receive the temperature value in the process data as 32 bit (4byte) float number:

To convert this 32bit float number to a decimal value you can use eg. the Python script below:

import struct

def binary_to_float(binary_str):
    # Convert the binary string to an integer
    int_rep = int(binary_str, 2)
    # Pack the integer as a 32-bit binary and unpack it as a float
    float_rep = struct.unpack('!f', struct.pack('!I', int_rep))[0]
    return float_rep

# Query the binary number from input eg. 01000001111100000000000000000000 for 30.0 or 01000001010010000000000000000000 for 12.5
binary_str = input("Enter a 32-bit binary number (avoid blank spaces): ")

# Convert the binary number to a decimal number
decimal_number = binary_to_float(binary_str)

# Print the result
print(f"The decimal representation of the 32-bit binary number {binary_str} is {decimal_number}.")

2. the second possibility to get the MPB temperatures (current, max, min, max & min since last reset) is by reading out the needed subindex of index 4352:

The format of the temperature values is 8bit signed integer.
To convert the binary value to an integer value you can use the Python script below:

def signed_binary_to_integer(binary_str):
    # Ensure the binary string is 8 bits long
    if len(binary_str) != 8:
        raise ValueError("The binary number must be 8 bits long.")
    # Check if the binary number is negative (if the most significant bit is 1)
    if binary_str[0] == '1':
        # Convert to integer and subtract 256 to get the negative value
        integer_number = int(binary_str, 2) - 256
        # Convert to integer directly
        integer_number = int(binary_str, 2)
    return integer_number

# Query the binary number from input
binary_str = input("Enter an 8-bit signed binary number: ")

# Convert the binary number to an integer
integer_number = signed_binary_to_integer(binary_str)

# Print the result
print(f"The integer representation of the signed 8-bit binary number {binary_str} is {integer_number}.")
mpb temperature value, mpb10, float number