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What does Device Backwards Compatibility (DBC) mean and how does it work?

Backwards compatibility is an optional IO-Link feature that allows sensors/devices to behave like a previous device version. A sample product is the AS30 Prime. Read more in the article.

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What is "Device Backwards Compatibility" in terms of IO-Link in general?

The Device Backwards Compatibility (DBC) enables the replacement of a device by a successor without having to adapt the programming of the PLC or the IO-Link master. It allows a device -or sensor- to act like a previous device revision. This functionality is optional and is not supported by every device. However, if this function is included, the device must also include and support all previous functions of older versions.
As soon as a suitable IODD / DeviceID is stored in the IO-Link master and the device supports DBC, the master will write the DeviceID of the previous version to the new device. If the device supports this DeviceID, it will adjust its parameter sets and functions to match the previous version. In the event of a DeviceID change, the connected sensor switches back to the assigned functions or parts thereof. A device can also support multiple DeviceIDs. The new device therefore behaves like the old device. In general, the device is then permitted to change all parameters, including communication and identification, with the exception of the transmission rate.
The IO-Link masters are supporting the DBC mechanism since IO-Link version 1.1.

Where to find additional information?

In chapter 10.6.2 of the official IO-Link specification document, the Device Backwards Compatibility (DBC) is described:

io-link, dbc, backwards compatibility, io link