Your SICK ID gives you access to our extensive range of services. This includes direct online orders, price and availability checks, and access to our digital services.
You want to know how to use the SICK Support Portal the best way? Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.
Because our Support Portal is new, further FAQs may come in future.
Can I write a request in my language, instead of English?
SICK has teams of technical experts in all major countries. Therefore, support will be provided locally, by teams that are typically in your country
What does that mean when you open a support request? That it is absolutely ok to write it in your local language. This is probably the simpler way - both for you and for us providing support..
Can I see requests of my co-workers?
Data protection is important to us at SICK. Therefore, we don't share customer's requests to all users from your company by default.
This means
All accounts via SICK ID are personal accounts, which should not be shared to others.
A company can define key users, which are entitled to view all their requests. Please contact your SICK sales representative to get this defined for your company.