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what information is hidden in Index 37 (Detailed Device Status)
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Index 37 - Detailed Device Status
At least for newer sensors, the index (ISDU) 37 can be found - in addition to Index 36.
When looking into the IO-Link sheet, the following can be seen: (Example)
IO-Link specific
Index dec (hex)
Format (Offset)
Default Value
Value / Range
36 (0x24)
Device Status
8 Bit
0 = Device is OK 1 = Maintenance required 2 = Out of specification 3 = Functional check 4 = Failure 5...255 = Reserved
37 (0x25)
Detailed Device Status
24 Byte
Octet String [8]
Provides a chronologic list about currently pending events of type "Error" or "Warning"
How is the Detailed Device Status decrypted?
Detailed Device Status
N x 3 Byte
Event Log containing last five events which occurred at the sensor. For each array element: Octet 1: Event qualifier Octet 2, 3: Event code
Event 1
3 Byte
0x000000 = no Event appeared 0xF45000 = Error appeared - hardware fault 0xE48CA4 = Warning appeared - QoR (Quality of Run) Alarm 0xE48CA0 = Warning appeared - short circuit 0xE48CA8 = Warning appeared - temperature high 0xE48CAB = Warning appeared - operating hours 0xE48CAF = Warning appeared - temperature low