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SPL - Job-LED & Auto-Teach-in

The article explains the function of the Job-LED's and how the "auto-teach-in" works.
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today I want to show you the function of the Job-LED's and how the "Auto-Teach-in" works

Function of Job-LED's

the green Job-LED's are controlled by the Pin2 inputs


In the real picking process the control function is done by the customer's PLC.

Logical function for controlling the red Error LED, which is placed in the receiver

Automatic Teach-in

Due to the fact, that the SPL has neither a Teach-in button nor a ET wire, we have the "Auto Teach-in" function. 

here I want to show how that works

  • After PowerOn the SLG automatically adjusts the sensitivity referring to the current scanning distance
  • During this process, the green LED’s will start blinking sequentially
  • For successful Teach procedure  the sensing area must be clear (all beams clear for 1st time setup)
  • In the following turn-on the teach process will only be released, when the received signal of the beams has changed compared to the first PowerOn (change of receiving level)
  • When one or more than one beams are blocked during Teach procedure, the Teach will be dropped

Questions & Answers

  •  what happens when there is an object in-between during Teach-in process?
    Teach-in will start - but cancelled - old Teach-in settings reloaded
  • what happens after 2nd and following powerON when nothing is in-between?
    Teach-in is dropped (as long alignment keeps equal)
  • how to fall back to max. sensitivity?
    turn away the receiver or block all beams and re-power the receiver
auto-teach, job-led, spl