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TiM - HDDM High Definition Distance Measurement

Every single measurement degree (TiM has a resolution of 0.33° or 1°) consists of 84 single measurement points that are accumulated for one measurement value output.
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Every single measurement degree (TiM has a resolution of 0.33° or 1°) consists of 84 single measurement points that are accumulated for one measurement value output.


  • A 1°-device has 84 single measurement points per 1°.
  • A 0.33°-device has 84 single measurement points per 0.33° (three times higher measurement frequency than a 1°-device).

Example for a 1° device:
If the mirror of the scanner is at the position of 45 degrees, then the scanner starts with the 84 laser pulses at the mirror position of 45 degrees until a short step before 46 degrees. Then, it calculates the distance value over these points and returns one measurement value for this 45° position. The next set of 84 new measurement points starts at the next angular degree, in this example at 46°.
