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Detection of wet transparent tube with Capacitive sensor

This article shows a possible way to check if a transparent fluid has passed through a transparent pipe or not.
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Finding a sensor to check if a transparent fluid has passed through a transparent pipe or not.




The fluid is only on the inner walls of the pipe (like drops). The pipe itself is not filled with fluid.




Capacitive sensor with IO-Link 6080640 CMB18-12NPPEC0SA00. This device is non flush and has a nominal sensing range of 0..12mm




 Step 1:  No water is inside the bottle


Step 2: As soon as a water drop was inserted, it went down on the glass. The sensor detected it.



Step 3) After the drop of water has reached the bottom, the remaining, mostly invisible water on the glass also sinks to the bottom. This can be seen in the falling curve in the following picture. It takes some time so that the signal returns to 702 digits after a while.

capacitive sensor, transparent, fluids, glass, tube