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How to detect an exceeded shock value with MPB10?

How to use the Predictive Maintenance Sensor MultiPhysicsBox MPB10 with IO-Link interface to detect a exceeded shock value to react on it
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There are a lot of applications where it could be helpful to detect an exceeded shock value by a switching output. This makes it possible to react to such a situation and stop the machine to prevent further damage or to trigger maintenance before the machine comes to a completely unplanned stop. Another application could be collision detection for AGVs.

Here you can see how it works with our predictive maintenance sensor MultiPhysicsBox MPB10 with IO-Link interface.
Type: MPB10-VS00VSIQ00 Part no.: 1123926
With a measuring range of up to 200 g, the maximum accelerations are measured in all three axes, thus monitoring shock events.
First connect the MPB10 via SiLink2 Master IOLA2US-01101 #1061790 to your PC.
If needed you can find the MPB10 SDD file at the product page in the downloads/ software section.
Open the MPB10 in SopasET.

Setup of switching output Pin 2 that it gets active if the shock threshold is exceeded

To reach that, go to the "general device settings" tab and set the "Pin 2 Configuration" to "Diagnostic  alert 1":

We have already connected our Pin 2 to the "Diagnostic alert 1". 
To activate this "Diagnostic alert 1" (= Bit6 of process data) by the exceeded shock value we have to set Bit6 by clicking the button "process data user definition".
Then click on the button with the 2 arrows at the right end of the row of Bit6 to: "alert" -> "group alert" -> "Shock".
The setting is correct if the Bit6 is now marked with "S" for shock (mouse over shows the word).

Find and set the correct shock threshold value

Please go to the shock tab and set on the right  the "shock threshold" to 0 g to activate the "Acceleration max. since last reset" live graph on top of it. 
Now switch on the motor or machine where the MPB10 is mounted to see which shock strength happens during normal operations eg. AGV driving/ loading/ unloading... that should not trigger the shock alert.
If you have only the MPB10 please simulate the normal shocks by slightly tapping on the MPB10 housing with a hard object eg. pen, by mouse over on the live graphs you can see the exact values for all 3 axes. You can reset the graphs with the "Reset acceleration max." button:
Choose the strongest shock and, depending from the stability of your application, add a value of eg. 15% as safety and set the threshold to this value.
We have at the Y-axis around 24 g + 15% = 27,6 g >> 28 g
Write the chosen threshold value in the "Shock threshold" field, after that whenever you knock harder than 28 g on the MPB10, you should get an alarm and a new shock event on the left hand site will be saved in the MPB10.
As usual, you can mouse over the graph to see the detailed values.
The time graph shows the detected shocks on all 3 axes over time.
You can reset the alert by the "Reset alert" button:
The 5 strongest shock events since last reset are stored in the MPB10:

You can see the alarm in the home tab in the process data bits and in the Alert log on the right side too, you can reset the Alert by the "Reset alert" button:
If it is helpful in the application, you can reset the alert automatically after time x in ms. The value "-1" stands always for "deactivated" in the MPB10 settings. 
The alarm reset time applies to all alarms. This also applies to shock events, temperature alarms, the operating hours and the boot cycle counter.
The alarm delay, on the other hand, is not applied to shock events, the operating hours and the boot cycle counter.

Try a bit to get a feeling for the g-values by knocking on the housing of the MPB10 to learn how easily you can reach eg. 100 g, which sounds dramatic but is easy to reached.

Finally start your motor/ machine in normal operations and learn over time if the threshold is correct or if you are getting false alarms because the threshold is too low.
If you get an alert, please check the root cause for it and decide if that is normal operations/ acceptable or not.
If you decide the shocks are acceptable and the threshold should be adjusted higher, set it higher step by step to find the correct value for your application.

If you have trouble finding the correct settings or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
mpb10, exceeded shock value, predictive maintenance sensor, detecting an exceeded shock value, shock