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Fill level detection with CM12

The article suggests to use CM12 to detect the level of liquid in a plastic tube.
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Dear All,

Today I will show you a very frequently used method to detect the level of liquid in a “plastic tube”.

The cheapest and easiest way to detect the liquid in plastic tube is, if you use a capacitive sensor.
It is very easy to install and to adjust.
In this case we use two CM12-08EBP-KC1. One sensor to detect if the tank is empty and one sensor to detect if the tank is full. See picture below.


The capacitive sensor sees the liquid behind the plastic because the permittivity for example water is ~80 As/Vm . The permittivity for plastic is ~4 As/Vm.
So if the permittivity of the liquid is higher than the material around, the sensor can detect the liquid through the plastic.

To adjust the sensor you have to push the teach button for 3 sec until the plastic tube is empty (no water inside), then fill the tube with water (Water and tube in front of the sensor) and push the teach button again.

Hope this helps.

If you have any questions or other solutions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment.


fill level , presence detection, plastic tube, capacitive sensor