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VLC100 - Detection of transparent objects

This article informs about the detection of transparent objects with the help of the VLC100 sensor.
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Often the detection of transparent objects on a wide area is difficult.

Light curtains have the problem that the light is passing the transparent objects only one time. 
So the reduction of the signal is quite low.
Using MLG-2 you have the possibility to detect transparent objects down to 10% absorption. But this works only under strict conditions like:

  • exact alignment of sender and receiver (tough vibrations could cause problems)
  • sender and receiver need to kept clean all the time
  • scanning distance is limited to approx. 2 meter (or even lower depending on resolution)
  • no cross beam technology
  • no high speed scan


So why not use the VLC100?

  • Simple installation: Only one device and reflector tape!
  • Simple commissioning: Only one teach-in and that's it!
  • Stable detection: Because the light needs to pass the transparent object two times (way to reflector + way from reflector) there is a bigger signal attenuation!

→ For highly transparent objects we recommend a minimum distance (D) of approx. 100mm between reflector and object to make use of scattered light.




→ If the monitored area needs to be bigger you can easily synchronize two VLC100 to have the double detection area!

transparent objects, light curtain