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Reading out ISDU / Service Data over SIG350 Ethercat

Reading out ISDU / Service Data over SIG350
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today i want to show you how to read ISDU/ Service Data from an IO Link Device with the SIG350.

In this example i will be using Twincat 3. 

To communicate with the IO Link Device, we will use a AOE (ADS over Ethercat)  Service. 

There fore the function block we are using is called ADS Read .

Here is an example how this can  looks like : 



You can find here (right hand mouse click , on the SIG350 in your project) 

Copy / Paste this value and put this value as a string in the function block. 


Ports : 

This is the order and the Number of the Ports 

Port 1 4096
Port 2 4097
Port 3 4098
Port 4 4099
Port 8 4103

Index Group

0xF302 (this value will not change) 

Index Offset :

There are 8 bytes. The first 4 are the Index, the last 4 are the subindex. 

0x[INDEX][SUBINDEX] ==> as you see the data has to be in Hex format. 

As example index 16 subindex 0 is in Hex 10 therefore the offset is 

0x0010 0000

Another example : 

Index 4352 Subindex 2

therefore the Offset is

0x1100 0002

Result is just an array of byte , a place where i will write the values of the ISDU. 

And that is it . Let us try it. 

Change the READ Value on TRUE, and see what is written in the result variable.  

As you see this is 31 in hex means: 49 °C was the highest temperature. 

Hope that is helpful . 

