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AS30 - Smoothing

This article gives helpful information on "smoothing" for the AS30.
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What does "Smoothing" mean?

That is a moving average value of n measurements.

cycle time = 1ms
default: n = 33 = 33ms "smoothing time" ? integration time

How does it look like?

As you can see, it takes 33ms until the smoothed measurement is available.

Which interface is affected?

Smoothing affects all interfaces:

  • analog output
  • IO-Link process data ? digital measurement outgo

Examples with static measurement

Practical example, measured in proximity mode with a low contrast edge.
The measurement was done with FDT container, due to the rapid data rate (10ms), SOPAS is not so fast in terms of process data output.

As you can see, smoothing brings less deviation ? noise reduction.

  • improvement for repeatability!
  • good for precise positioning
  • good for smooth web guidance with slow horizontal movement

Examples with dynamic measurement

In case of dynamic movement with quick changes, smoothing doesn't affect that much. 
There is mainly a short latency time due to the adjusted smoothing time.
As you can see here, the accuracy of dynamic measurement is almost similar.
