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Automated Load Detect Ident System (ALDIS) Application Notes

ALDIS is a retrofit system to enchance transparancy via automated load detection and identification in logistig application. The system is designed to support different identification technologys to target the relevant information about the transportet goods and save time during handling and inventory. TEMS allows the modular combination with further components and extension of functionality. For example inderect localisation in combination with Asset Analytics.
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Table of Contents

Retrofit system for advanced transparency in logistic applications.


How can you get an ALDIS? 

Best way to get an ALDIS System is to order the relevant product from


Application recommendations

What to consider if using ALDIS with RFID based identificat


  • use the system with no metall in your surroundings.
  • use the system with high targeted tag to untargeted tag distance.
  • use system with low counts of simultaniously targeted tags.
  • use system if tag positions might deviate with a high probability
  • use system if tags can be covered by other non metallic objects in the reading field


  • use the system in environments with a lot of metall. (reflections can influence the reliability in a negative way)
  • use the system with low targeted tag to untargeted tag distance.
  • use the system with a high count of simulatiously targeted tags.

Bestcase to use RFID based ALDIS System:

  • you have big non metallic objects, that are tagged with single passive RFID tag.
  • your RFID tag can be on any surface of you targeted object.
  • you have strictly assigned storage places for your items with big gaps between each other. (paths for your forklifts)
  • you only move one object at a time

What to consider if using ALDIS with LASER based identification


  • use system if one or multiple codes are stacked over each other or next to each other
  • use system if high count of codes are expected
  • use system if low code position deviations 


  • use system with high code position deviations
  • use system if codes might easily be damaged
  • use system if codes can be covered by other objects in the field of view


Bestcase to use LASER based ALDIS System:

  • you have a stacked pile of boxes with identical code positions
  • you want to move all the boxes at one on a pallet
  • a stacking robot ensures that the code are directed to the same side (side from which the sensor is executing the identification)
  • no codes are covered by other objects

What to consider if using ALDIS with VISION based identification


  • use system if one or multiple 2D codes can be rotated in different angles on the targeted surface
  • use system if codes might have a high shift of position on the targeted surface (codes still need to be complete in the field of view)
  • support of 1D and 2D codes



  • use system if codes can be covered by other objects in the field of view
  • use system if codes might easily be damaged

Best case to use VISION based ALDIS System:

  • your targeted goods are manually labeled
  • you use a 2D codes
  • you have a flat surface, where one or multiple targeted codes are visible 

Mounting recommendations

How to mount your load detection Sensor?

The best way to mount your detection sensor is to point it perpendicular towards the load and alongside loading direction.
This ensures the clear distance detection and provides the most stable signal values for the system.
Please make sure to mount the sensor on a hight, where lifting the goods will not alter the sensor states.
Be sure to mount the sensor in a protected area where it cannot be disalined or damaged by the goods or other items from your environment.
If the protection is not guarateed use protection cover to support the longevity and flawless operation.
If the vehicle posses a moving loading area, mount the sensor on the moving part to achieve the correct recognition of the load.
Please keep the operational distances of the used load detection sensors in mind. The detactable load shall never surpas the limits of the operational distances of the sensors.

How to mount a VISION based Sensor?

Place the camera pointing to the targeted codes without any abstractions in the targeted viewing  area.
Ensure if possible the slightest deviation in reading angle changes between different loads.
If the vehicle posses a moving loading area, mount the sensor on the moving part to achieve the correct recognition of the codes.
Be sure to mount the sensor in a protected area where it cannot be disalined or damaged by the goods or other items from your environment.
If the protection is not guarateed use protection covers to support the longevity and flawless operation.
Provide a sufficient lighting to achieve the best code recognition.
Please keep in mind the necessary resolution of the code.

How to mount a LASER based Sensor?

Mount the laser under a slight angle towards the loading direction, so that the targeted code is moving slowly and complete though the scanning area.
Place the laser without any abstractions in the targeted viewing area.
If the vehicle posses a moving loading area, mount the sensor on the moving part to achieve the correct recognition of the codes.
Setup the triggering sequence to cover the laser beam completly with the targeted surface.
If it is not possible to cover the whole beam with the targeted surface, add additional covers to prevent the blinding of poeple in the operational area.
Please keep in mind the necessary resolution of the code.
Take care of the correct orientation of the laserbeam to the code. 
The laser beam has to cover all the bars of the code at the same time for a reliable reading.

Scan direction during Loading
Scan direction during Unloading:

Top to bottom scan

Bottom to top scan

Bottom to top scan

Top to bottom scan

Left to Right
Right to Left

Examples of sensor mounting

How to mount a RFID based Sensor?

Mount the RFID based Sensor as close as possible to the targeted tags.
If the vehicle posses a moving loading area, mount the sensor on the moving part to achieve the correct recognition of the codes.


Default Configurations

Which default configurations are available?

The ALDIS System is offered with 3 different default configuration

  1. RFID (Identification sensor RFU)
  2. LASER (Identification sensor CLV)
  3. VISION (Identification sensor LECTOR)

How to load a site config?

Click on the folder icon at the Site tab of the UI
Use the lower dropdown to select between existing configs or use the browse button to select a site config from your local maschine.

What to do with unused modules?

Delete unused modules to prevent unwanted ERROR states.

What is the function of the RS232 interface modul?

RS232 is used to connect a HW19 handheld scanner to be able to provide ONE code if the identification sensor could not determine the load automaticaly. 
(this can happen if the identification sensor has wrong parameters, the marking of the goods it set outside or reading area or is damaged)

What is the function of the stacklight?

The Stacklight has the Goal to keep the Operator Updated about the System states.

  • green (DIO_A) → last action has been executed successfuly the next operation can be executed. (delay can be set in the Device ALDIS)
  • yellow (DIO_B) → last loading or unloading process has been detected, but no codes have been recognised, giving the operator the chance eighter scan manualy or reverse the last operation on try to detect the load identification automaticaly.
  • red (DIO_C)→ missing connection to sensor or recipient, this state shows that operations should be stoped because there is no guarantie that moovements of goods will be tracked correctly. 

How to trigger the system correctly?

The default configuration has the (DIO_E) input set as the starting trigger and (DIO_F) as the endig trigger for the loading procedure.
The specified Triggers need to turn from low to high in the specified order and stay high as long the loaded statet presists.
For the Unloading process the order is inverted and the inputs need to change from high to low and stay until another loading process starts.
You may change the selected stating and stopping trigger within of the ALDIS module.
Make sure if you use a different pin layout that none of the other modules accesses the same pins and overwrite the signal or meaning of the pins.


Customisation of

How to set your ALDIS Id

Start the Edit mode.
Click on gear icon next to your Device ALDIS.
Enter your ALDIS Id to your AldisInstance value.
Click on Save and Close.
Restart the site configuration.

How can you add a second idenfication Sensor to the ALDIS System?

Start the Edit mode.
Click on Add System component and select the idenfitication sensor module.
Link it in the exact same way, how your previous identification sensor has been mapped to and from the ALDIS module.
Set deviating setting like IP-address and common settings like trigger conditions within of the new module.

How can you add a different identification Sensor to your ALDIS System?

First of all you need to make sure to have the neccessary package installed (See "How can you update your ALDIS System?")
Start the Edit mode.
Click on Add System component and select the idenfitication sensor module.
Link it in the exact same way, how your previous identification sensor has been mapped to and from the ALDIS module.
Set deviating setting like IP-address and common settings like trigger conditions within of the new module. (See also "How to add a second identification Sensor to the ALDIS System?")

How to connect to a MQTT broker?

Start the Edit mode.
Insert a MQTT I/O Device.
Link the MQTT I/O Device with all modules you need.
Click on the gear icon next to the MQTT I/O Device and enter the destination IP along with all necessary creadentials.
Select the required Rule file to configure the used events and topics.
Click on save and close.
Restart your site configuration.
If MQTT I/O Device is turning green the connection to your MQTT broker is successful.

How can you modify the MQTT topic?

Stopp site configuration.
Navigate to Files→ Configurations and click on the "gear icon" behind the "
ALDIS Mqtt I/O Device Rules Default" File.
Select file tab and click on download.
Open File and modify the Joint Address to change the topic of specified message.
Save the file under new name.
Upload the new rule to the TDC-E.
Select the new rule in the MQTT I/O.
Start site configuration. 

How to connect to AssetAnalytics?

Start the Edit mode.
Insert a HTTP I/O Device.
Link the Device ALDIS module Loaded Data to HTTP I/O Device 
Click on the gear icon next to the HTTP I/O Device and enter the destination IP along with all necessary creadentials.
Select Basic Authentication.
Enter valid IP address.
Select the required Rule file to configure the used data and events.
Activate the SSL communication.
Enter valid Asset Analytics ALDIS credentials.
Click on save and close.
Restart your site configuration.
If HTTP I/O Device is turning green the connection to your Asset Analytics instance is successful.

How to import TEMS rules and configs?

Stop the site config
Navigate to Files→Configuration
Click on the page icon with the plus
Brwose to rule or config which needs to be imported
Modify file name, titel and description how you like

What is the correct rule for the HTTP I/O module to work with the Asset Analytics

The correct Rulefile with the default output of Loaded and Unloaded data to Asset Analytics can be downloaded here:

See "How to import TEMS rules and configs" to make it available on your system.


Error handling

What do you need to do if the Sensor is not connecting?

Make sure the Sensort is Powered Up and connected to the correkt ETH-Port on the TDC-E.
Within of the connector Module the correct IP-address of the device needs to be entered and match the IP-range of this ETH-Port.
Make sure that the available settings of you connector Module are matching its capabilities.
If the sensorsettings within Sopas aligne to the set parameters in TEMS but the sensor still does not connect.
Please delete the Sensormodule and add it with the fitting parameters and links anew to the configuration.
Same approach applies to TDCE I/O Plugin.
Restart the site configuration.

What do you need to do, if the Sensor is not reacting to the end of reading condition?

Access the Sensor via Sopas and make sure that "open" and "close" Reading Gate conditions are set to SOPAS-Command. (Some sensor modules offer only the setting of "open" Trigger Gate condition via TEMS)
Save this settings permanently on the device.
Restart the site configuration.

What do you need to do, if the TDCE I/O Plugin does not connect?

To get access to the hardware you need to enter the correct "TEMS" credentials with sufficient access rights.
Make sure the user is aktivated and unlocked in the user manager.
It is strongly recommended not to use your priviledged user for this activity, since multiple reconnection attempts of the Plugin will lockout the user if invalid information is entered.
The common source of invalid user information are password updates executed especially at the initial login. (forced password update)
Restart the site configuration.

What do you need to do, if the HTTP I/O Device does not connect?

Make sure you can reach the destination from Device managers Tools via Ping.
If you are connecting to Asset Analytics, check responses from SSH console via: curl --insecure -I https://{{IP-address}}.
Select the correct authentication method (Basic) and enter the necessary (Asset Analytics) credentials.
Keep Port selection on "0", select a fitting rule and activate SSL mode.
Restart the site configuration.

What can you do if the Asset are not updated according to the Events?

Make sure the time of your Asset Analytics instance is synchron with the time of the TDC-E (best practice use for both applications the same ntp server)
Check your Logs, that the Event has triggert a HTTP I/O message.
Try out in Asset Analytics, the validity of the send data.

What can you do if the sensor is stopping the reading to early?

Check your sensorsettings with SopasET.
Make sure, the end conditions are SOPAS-Command only.

What do you need to do, if the MQTT I/O does not connect?


Make sure you can reach the destination from Device manager Tools via Ping.
Set Host-address in the MQTT I/O module to the IP-address of the destination.
Set the communication protocols according to the settings of the broker and provide all necessary access information, like creadentials, id, certificates and keys.
Restart the site configuration.

Retrofit, Logistic, Transparancy, Automation, Gateway, System, LASER, VISION, RFID, Detection, Identification, LECTOR65X, CLV65X, RFU6XX, TEMS