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SLG - arrangement of multiple SLG, prevent crosstalk

Summary of different methods to prevent any interference with SLG.
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*Attention: SLG is discontinued and not available anymore. Please look for SLG-2 or FlexChain as successor product families!*

This article summarize different possibilities to prevent any interference between multiple SLG.

SLG are optically synchronized. Especially the synchronization beam is sensitive for mutual interference.

The following picture shows the availability-angle. That meas even for a horizontal misalignment of +/-3° the SLG works correctly up to the specified operating range.




To prevent mutual interference between two neighboring light curtains keep the minimum distance between them.
Calculate the distance for your application out of the corresponding angle.

BUT: Don't use the availability-angle because you need to add mounting and LED tolerances on top:

  • For crosstalk calculation horizontally use +/-10°
  • For crosstalk calculation vertically use +/-15°




To reduce the distance between the light curtain pairs you can mount the cross wise:


If you need to use more than two pairs there are light curtains with beam coded modulation frequency:

  • standard 500kHz
  • beam coded verson 250kHz (→ Attention: approx. double response time)


In case of several pairs use crosswise mounting and beam coded devices:


If you follow these rules you shouldn't have any problems due to mutual interference / cross talk!

prevent crosstalk, arrangement of multiple SLG, mutual interference , availability angle