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Job assurance with a KTM, an IOLG2EP and a Rockwell PLC

When the teach button can't be pushed, it is suggested to use KTM with IO-Link to make a separate teach station and to transfer values with job assurance.
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Dear All,


Customer uses 2 x KT5 in his machine, these two sensors are at a place where you can’t see the material and can’t push the teach button.
So it is not easy to teach for the end customer.

Our solution is the KTM with IO-Link. With this sensor he can make a separate teach station and with the job assurance he can easily transfer the teached values like threshold, led color and so on to the KTM which is in the Machine.
For this case he need 2 sensors in the machine and 1 for the teach station.


These are the values for the job assurance

Attached you find also a demo program which show the job assurance and a two point teach. It is for a Rockwell PLC and a Sick Ethernet/IP Master.

With this function it is very easy to teach the sensor with a material and the customer can save the job for an easy and quick material change.

If you have any questions or other solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


job assurance, rockwell plc, teach button, transfer taught values, separate teach station