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Please see "mounting_possibilities_mrs6000.pptx" attached below
How are data output rate from MRS6000 calculated (about 222,000 scan points per second )?
Points per layer per scan : 923 points
Data amount / sec = 923(points/layer)*24(layer)*10(Hz) = 221520 points/sec
So, the calculation is based on only 1 Echo (not 4) and without RSSI.
And the actual data amount can be even bigger.
I used the sRN LMDscandata command and got the outputs but only for one layer. How can I get all Layers?
The telegram "sRN LMDscandata" is designed for one scan of 2-D lidar. Please use "sEN LMDscandata 1" for all layers of MRS6000 scan data. Actaully, sRN LMDscandata does not include MRS6000 in the device list in the telegram document(PN: 8014631).
How should I understand the vertical angle (VANGL ) in the telegram data? (What is the difference with "Layer angle"?)
"Layer angle" only indicates the layer number. Layers are not always perfectly flat. Each point may have a different vertical angle even in the same layer. VANGL is the concrete vertical angle of each point. Please refer to the following diagram.
VANGL (as a set) can be considered as a constant table from scan to scan and constant in different MRS6000 sensors. So, for programming efficiency, the customer can consider to use this table too. For the detailed values, please refer to the attached Excel VerticalAngle.xlsx.
For a reflector, what is the typical RSSI value shown in MRS6000 data?
Based on our experience, RSSI values more than 256 shown in MRS6000 data can be from a reflector. However, please also note the following two points:
1.RSSI values reflect the energy level of the remission instead of the unified reflectivity. So, even for the same object( surface, color, etc.) , its RSSI value can be different at a different distance. 2. There are different types of reflectors. The RSSI values can be different based on the reflector type.
Is there field detection function available in MRS6000?
Currently there is no field detection function in MRS6000(MRS6124R-131001 PN: 6065086). Current MRS6124R-131001 is purely a measurement device.
In case of a concrete customer request/project potential for the field detection function in MRS6000, please inform the product manager Sandra Wienbeck.
In SOPAS ET configuration for MRS6000, what is the relation between "Output data range" and "Resulting output range"?
The display coordinate in SOPAS ET is common and shared for multiple sensors. Its X axis is pointing to the front/up. Based on this X axis direction, "Output data range" is defined for the display in SOPAS ET. But the X axis direction in MRS6000's telegram coordinate is different, where the X axis is pointing to the right. "Resulting output range" refers to the actual angle values in the telegram.
The horizontal angular range for one scan is always 120°.
What does "Output interval" mean (e.g., if 3 is set, what will be the influence to the output)?
It means sending telegram data output per "Output interval" of physical scans. "Output interval" parameter can be used to skip scans in the output to lower the data rate if the customer wish so. For example, if 3 is set, there will be 1 complete scan of telegram data output (all 24 layers) per every 3 complete physical scans.
Do we have a 3D-model and/or CAD-Drawing for the MRS6000?
Yes, please refer to the attached file package for MRS6000 3D Drawings. The download link via
The laser power related information is shown below.
What happens with the measurement <0,5m?
The detection within 0.5m will be treated as "invalid". The values will be "0" in the telegram.
Can we mount this sensor upside down?
Yes, upside down mounting is possible.
What is the value of Ambient light immunity of MRS6000?
The ambient light immunity of the MRS6000 is about 100.000 Lx.
What is the function of port 2122?
This is prepared for the Cola2 protocol and not available for the customer at this moment.
What is the start-up time of MRS6000? (from power on to starting sending scan data)
The start-up time is about 50 sec.
Why our customer found some circular patten/shapes in MRS6000 detection when the target was flat (such as a wall)?
Regarding the patten/circle shapes of the detection on the (near) wall, it is related to the quantization effect by 6cm measurement resolution of MRS6000. This situation exists for all the laser scanners but more obvious in the visual effect for the ones that have big distance resolution, such as LD-MRS (4cm), MRS6000(6cm). Please note that this is the visual effect (especially in the near range) but it does not influence the sensor performance (specification).
Please refer to the attached PPT quantization_effect.pptx
Do we have some pictures/screen shots of MRS6000 detection examples? (how the point cloud looks like)
The following two screen shots can be found inside MRS6000 training PPT for "Training Days 2018". (shown above) Note: the second screen shot is taken from a video inside this PPT. This video can also be a good reference/example.
Do we have some sample programs / drivers for the customer to develop their software?
Regarding Shock/Vibration resistance information of MRS6000
Why do we often see a flashing orange LED on MRS6000?
If MRS6xxx detects someone/sth. within 0.5m to its front window, it will estimate this detection as contamination and give a warning. The flashing orange LED indicates such a warning.
What is the point number for 1m length at 10m distance?
Point number for 1m (vertical direction) at 10m distance can have about 1000 mm/ 109.1 mm = 9.17 points (by 0.625� vertical angular resolution) Point number for 1m (horizontal direction) at 10m distance can have about 1000 mm/ 22.7 mm = 44.1 points (by 0.13� horizontal angular resolution)
How is the data transmission rate of the MRS6000 and how many units are possible to be connected via Gigabit Network
The data transmission of an MRS6000 has been analysed by Wireshark.
Our testing in details :
The scans of a each level are transmitted by a Burst, which contains the data of the 24 layer.
The total duration of these Bursts is about 8.4ms. A precise measurement results in:
Burst beginning at Package index: 224844 Timestamp 195.002162071
Burst ending at Package index : 224972 Timestamp 195.010527839
There have been 129 Packages in the Burst. The period of time for the Burst was .008365768 Sek. According to an estimation the package the size of the package is approx. 1000 Byte.
This will result in a transmission rate of about 129 * 1000 Byte/.008365768 Sec. = 15 Mbyte/Sec. during the Burst transfer.
This will result in about 120 Mbit/Sec.
According to our testing it is possible to exceed the maximum network load of a network if more than 4 MRS6xxx working on a GigE-network.
Where is the point of gravity on the MRS6000 ?
What is the ambient immunity of the MRS6000
The ambient light immunity is specified as : 100,000 lux (Performance cannot be guaranteed when direct sunlight enters the device.
What is the max and min wavelength of MRS6000?
The max / min wavelength is 870nm +/- 20nm including individual variation and the thermal shift . (-20 ~ +60 degC condition)
What is the error of the motor axis ( =mirror ) angle ? What is the allowed tolerance of the motor axis angle(s)?
The design tolerance is -Motor unit only : 0.03deg -Enclosure A bases (Max.) : +/- 0.35deg -Enclosure A bases (Statistical) : +/- 0.17deg The tolerance of all 3 axes are the same value.
How to clean the window of the MRS6000
A mixture of 50% pure alcohol ( undenatured / without add-ons ) to remove grease and 50% distilled water ( to remove salt ).
How to reset the MRS6000 by a telegram?
Der MRS6000 is supporting these commands, which are available in the userlevel �Authorized client�:
sMN mSCreboot
( Method executes a software reset on the device )
sMN mSCsoftreset 0
( Method shuts the device down but saves the parameter before shutdown is executed )
The first method executes only a reset, while the second method will save the current parameter before executing the reset.
What are the differences between the MR6124 and the MRS6224