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SICK AppEngine 1.7.0 (AE 3.11.0) 2024-09

Release notes
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SICK AppSpace Development Framework
SICK AppEngine

Table of Contents


The SICK AppEngine software product integrates devices such as industrial PCs or controllers into the SICK AppSpace eco-system and makes them programmable. The SICK AppEngine thus expands the portfolio of programmable devices on which SICK AppSpace can be used. With the aid of the eco-system, sensor applications are implemented and executed on the SICK AppEngine. The SICK AppEngine contains a collection of powerful software libraries and provides application developers with numerous functions via a uniform API structure.

This document pertains to the software SICK AppEngine 1.7.0. It contains new features, minor improvements, and fixes since its previous version and remaining known limitations and issues.



  • SAE-488 Bundle update for NOVA (MachVis, OpenCV, data_fusion, depler and edp_commands)
  • SAE-579 Update to WIBU CodeMeter 8.10a
  • SAE-580 Support for SICK Visionary-T Mini
  • SAE-502 SAE Disable Demo-Mode switch


  • SAE-538 Windows Installer T&C wrong text encoding

Limitations and Known Issues

Plattform Limitation Description Workaround
Windows x64
Linux x64

Timer API precision

Precision of the Timer API in SICK AppEngine is limited by the precision of the system timer of the operating system. Timer precision depends heavily on the general system load of the host hardware (SAE-95). Please make sure that your application handles these precision limitations.
Windows x64
Linux x64
Ethernet interfaces limited to 8 The number of Ethernet interfaces that can be accessed by SICK AppEngine is limited to 8 Ethernet adapters of the host hardware on which SICK AppEngine is running. SICK AppEngine scans for Ethernet interfaces during installation and uses the first 8 adapters (SAE-91). If your host hardware offers more than 8 Ethernet interfaces, please reduce the numbers of network adapters to max. 8, so that all adapters can be used by SICK AppEngine.
Windows x64
Linux x64
Auto IP scan shows IP address When automatically searching for SICK AppEngine on certain host hardware using the SICK tools AppManager, AppStudio or SOPAS ET, sometimes the IP address shows up (SAE-67). Please use SICK AppEngine under the IP address or the IP address of the respective host hardware instead.
Windows x64
Linux x64
Auto IP scan cannot find SICK AppEngine sporadically

Sometimes, SICK AppStudio and SICK AppManager are not able to find the running SICK AppEngine when using the automatic IP address scan, since the UDP scan is getting lost.

Please uncheck the automatic IP scan and only use the custom IP address configuration by adding the IP address of the host hardware of SICK AppEngine to the list to ensure that SICK AppManager and SICK AppStudio will find SICK AppEngine on the host hardware.
Windows x64
Linux x64
Copy protection mechanism Copy protection mechanism for SensorApps in SICK AppSpace is not supported by SICK AppEngine. This means that it is not possible to install copy protected Apps so that they are still available after restart of SICK AppEngine. For development of new SensorApps, the copy-protection mechanism is deprecated in SICK AppEngine. For copy-protection of SensorApps on SICK AppEngine, a licensing mechanism is offered. Please refer to the documentation of the Licensing API to protect your Apps.
Windows x64
Linux x64
Multi-Engine is not yet supported The application of running multiple instances of SICK AppEngine on the same host hardware is not supported yet. Please get in touch with SICK to clarify your request.
Windows x64
Linux x64
Access to external drives For usage within SensorApps, SICK AppEngine provides access to the file system of the host hardware via its APIs. By using the File API, AppEngine has access to the user's directory under C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\SICK\SICK AppEngine, but cannot access other directories or external drives such as USB drives (SAE-104). Access to additional drives is possible with SICK AppEngine build-to-order on request only. Please get in touch with SICK to clarify your request.
Windows x64
Linux x64
Warnings at SICK AppEngine startup During startup of SICK AppEngine, there are still some warnings: Could not write udhcpc script (SAE-128) The warnings will be resolved in the next release version of SICK AppEngine x86-64 for Linux.
Windows x64
Linux x64
Licensing Licensing via CodeMeter runtime fails when system time of the host hardware is before 1.1.2000 (SAE-336) Please set the correct system time on your host hardware.
Windows x64
Linux x64
App sorting Usually, for AppSpace devices apps are ordered in an alphabetical order. For SAE the order differs with the effect that the default msdd that is shown when opening the IP address in the browser might be different (SAE-300) We do not recommend relying on alphabetical order, instead, please make use of the following parameter to define the default webpage: Parameters.set("AEDefaultWebpage", _APPNAME) 
Windows x64
Linux x64
Warning: API.Parameters.Node Warning: API.Parameters.Node. Parameters CROWN won't be able to handle BigInt values This warning can be ignored, SICK AppEngine is working as expected.
Windows x64
Linux x64
No support for GigE-Vision 2D cameras SICK AppEngine itself does not support GigE-Vision 2D cameras Use a third party GigE-Vision 2D driver like Halcon (3D drivers are included!)
Windows x64
Linux x64
AppEngine works with max. 2 GigE Vision cams AppEngine may crash in applications with more than 2 GigE Vision-based cameras when applied inappropriately, like picoCam2 or midiCam2 (SAE-318) Only use SICK AppEngine in applications with max. 2 cameras. Will be fixed in one of the next versions soon.
Linux x64 Error on memory consumption SICK AppEngine is continuously observing the available memory on your host hardware. If you get the following message on the console window "Garbage collector called because system is going to get out of memory (>90% memory usage)! Please investigate.", this  might happen, if the overall system load is high. Please investigate the memory consumption of all applications running on the host hardware. Usually, the resource utilization is not caused by the SICK AppEngine and the associated Apps, rather as there are a lot of applications running in parallel on the same host hardware.
Linux x64 (legacy only) Library dependencies issues Dependence issues during installation depending on operating system and already installed library versions. The script usually returns and error with the missing dependencies.

With online access please install them with your favorite package manager (e.g. "sudo apt install -f").
Without online access use an online device to search and transfer the package to your offline device (e.g. search on the official package search:

More information on already known dependence issues can be found in the "Known issues" section in the SICK AppEngine (x64) - Getting Started.
Linux x64 (legacy only) CodeMeter service is not starting during SICK AppEngine installation ("Wait for CodeMeter service") Depending on the library versions on your operating system, it is possible that the CodeMeter service will not start during the SICK AppEngine installation. CodeMeter depends on libxcb-xinerama0 which is probably missing on your operating system.

With online access please install them with your favorite package manager (e.g. "sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0").
Without online access use an online device to search and transfer the package to your offline device (e.g. search on the official package search:

Afterwards CodeMeter should be removed completely:
    "sudo dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq CodeMeter"
And SICK AppEngine installation script started again
    "sudo ./"

More information can also be found in the "Known issues" section in the SICK AppEngine (x64) - Getting Started.

System Requirements

Supported Hardware

SICK AppEngine runs on computers that serve as the host hardware. This host hardware must fulfill the following minimum system requirements:


x86 64bit



Operating System

Windows 10

Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04


Min. 100 MB
Depends on application

Disk Space

Approx. 360 MB for installation
Depends on application

Supported Browser

≥ Chrome 60 (recommended)
≥ Edge 12
≥ Firefox 50
≥ Safari 11



SICK AppEngine utilizes the newest technologies and features. Please make sure that you are using the latest SICK tools as well:

SICK AppStudio 3.2.1 or higher
SICK AppManager 1.4.4 or higher
SOPAS ET 2020.3 or higher



SICK AppEngine 1.7.0
AppEngine framework 3.11.0
FlowEngine 2.0.0
Network 4.3.3
CmnAlg 7.4.1
OpenCV 8.0.1
data_fusion 5.1.0
Decoder 5.1.3
MachVis 6.4.0
PointCloud 2.7.0
ScanCtrl 4.1.1
VisCtrl 8.0.0
Licensing 5.3.0
GigE-Vision crown 1.3.2
CodeMeter Runtime for Windows Version 8.10a
IDS µEye camera driver Version 4.93

Getting Started

Please have a look on the SICK AppEngine (native) Getting Started page to get guidance on the installation of SICK AppEngine.

Reference Manual

Please find the API Reference Manual that comes with the SICK AppEngine installation located here: C:\Program Files\SICK\SICK AppEngine\docs (Windows) or /opt/sick/SICKAppEngine/docs (Linux).


The complete SICK AppSpace documentation including tutorials, programming samples, and training events is available in the SICK Support Portal.


Software downloads are available on or with the following links:


Native installers

SICK AppEngine x64 Native Windows

SICK AppEngine x64 Native Linux

SICK AppEngine ARMv8 Native Linux


Docker images

SICK AppEngine x64 Docker Linux

SICK AppEngine ARMv8 Docker Linux

SICK AppEngine, SICK AppSpace, Release