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guiding of thicker objects with WebChecker MLG - Part 1

The article answers the question whether or not the WebChecker MLG is suited for thicker objects and lists some restrictions - Part 1.
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Sometimes, we receive the question whether or not the WebChecker is suitable for thicker objects and what the restrictions for it are. 


Application examples

1) guiding of insulating plates

2) wooden plates



What is the max. thickness?
+/-80 mm = 160 mm → see page 22 of instruction manual

What about accuracy?
The accuracy drops down - upwards of thickness

How about distance sender - receiver?
For thicker objects the distance between sender - receiver should increase to keep the accuracy good enough

What must be considered when changing plate - with different thickness?
Plate must be centered to 1/3 - 2/ 3 position



As you see there is a limitation due to the crossbeam evaluation. The thickness of plate must be kept within the crossbeam range, where we reach triple beam resolution.


How to calculate the expected accuracy:

Have a look at page 24 of the instruction manual



thickness = 50 mm
operating range = 1 m


Result:   expected accuracy = +/- 0,45 mm

guiding thicker objects, WebChecker, application example, accuracy