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[T&T Systems] General Troubleshooting Guide

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General Troubleshooting of Track and Trace Systems

The System Controller (SIM2000 or MSC800) is the central element in each T&T Systems.

That's why troubleshooting should always start with the System Controller:

  • All results and system information are collected in the controller
  • The system status on the controller includes errors and warnings from all connected devices
  • The conveyor view is a valuable tool for investigations

 Please always start your troubleshooting with the basic parametrization and preconditions of the systems

  1. Check speed (increment) and trigger settings (on all devices)
  2. Check wiring of increment (encoder, speed measurement), trigger and all other external signals
  3. Check connection sate and settings of the host interface and active, customer protocols

Problem Description and the 10 Most Recent Question

Use the following questions to narrow down the problem and collect the relevant information:

  1. What kind of system is it about?
  2. Do you have similar system which are working?
  3. Did the system work once or never yet?
  4. How often does the trouble occur / how is the regularity?
  5. Visual inspection of wiring and cables: Are they damaged or dirty?
  6. Do we have any errors or warnings in the controller?
  7. Do I receive Speed and Trigger in the controller?
  8. Does the conveyor view looks as expected?
  9. Is the system timing in SIM and other devices, OK?
  10. Checked firmware versions for known bugs?

How to Proceed?

Did you solve your issue?


Perfect! Don't forget to share your findings/ feedback:

The problem still exists?


  1. Next step:
    • Check the device related troubleshooting guides for further information
  2. Second next step:
T&T, Track-and-Trace, Troubleshooting, SIM2000